Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Scale Tales - Week 8

I gained 1.5 lbs this week, for a total loss of 5.5 lbs.

I'm not exactly sure what went wrong. I worked out more over the past week than usual, and I worked out for a longer time period, too. I also didn't drink at all this weekend but for one strawberry daquiri (the best one I've ever had, by the way!).

I felt a little down out after stepping off of the scale this morning. That is, until I pulled a pair of dress pants out of the very back of the closet. I hadn't worn them in over a year. I put them on, and not only do they fit, they are not tight!

So, I guess I'll chalk up this week to some kind of a weird fluke of nature. Either that or maybe I'm building some muscle. Or maybe I've hit a plateau. I will keep trucking on.

My goal for this week is to track what I eat on SparkPeople. For those who haven't heard of it before, it's a totally free health website. You can track and plan meals, exercise, and there is a community forum as well. The best part is that it is completely free! I signed up right when I began my challenge, but I haven't used it much at all. Maybe if I'm even more conscious of my calorie intake, I can shed a few pounds for next week.


Anonymous said...

Watch your sodium intake. THat can make you retain water.

Also, Jaci hasn't lost but 1 or 2 lbs. since we started half marathon training 6 weeks ago. But, she looks all tight and toned and sexy.

Also, make sure you are constantly pushing yourself in your work outs. Don't let things get easy, or you will plateau!

ejlonglegs said...

I miss you cousin!