Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Power of Exercise

At the beginning of 2003, I did the "Body For Life" challenge. It's a type of diet where you eat six small meals a day and go to the gym six days a week. On the seventh day, you rest and eat whatever you want.

After about 8-10 weeks on this diet, I was in GREAT shape. But best of all, I FELT awesome! I remember saying to myself, "I don't care if I don't lose one more pound; as long as I feel good and full of energy, I will always keep exercising for the way it makes me feel!"

Shortly after that, I went on a week's vacation to Mexico, fell off the wagon, and was drug behind the wagon for 5 1/2 years while eating and drinking to my heart's content.

As I said in my first entry, I woke up and smelled the coffee when Jarrod turned 30 in 2007. I thought, "By the time I turn 30, I'm going to be in the best shape of my life."

Now that I have been exercising regularly for 4 weeks, I will say that I feel really good again. I first noticed it when we went to the waterpark with Kevin a couple weekends ago. We were there for 7 hours on a Lousiana summer day (obviously gluttons for punishment), and I didn't feel tired at all!

DISCLAIMER: The next paragraph may be TMI if you don't want to hear about my monthly cylcle.

Then, there's my monthly cycle. It is horrific and has been since I went off the pill 2 years ago. The entire week before, I am horribly irritable. Ask Jarrod, I will just go into a deep depression for hours sometimes, and I don't even know why. It's hormones. Fun. Then the first day of my period, I get cramps from hell and can't even sleep. Well, this month, I didn't get irritable at all and had virtually no cramps. I really think it is the exercise!

So, to summarize, getting up at 4:50 every morning does really suck, but it is worth it. I hope I can stay motivated. I don't want to fall off the wagon again.


Mom said...

Hi Kim Nice blog. Congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the good work. Love ya MOm

Anonymous said...

good job on the weight to your blog from your brother!