Monday, July 28, 2008

Taking my time with this

I was just looking over my blog and realizing that I haven't lost very much weight for being on this journey for 6 weeks. BUT - then Jarrod reminded me: I am making a lifestyle change. I'm not trying to lose 30 lbs in 30 days, or even six months.

I'm sure that if I REALLY watched my diet 7 days a week, and never went out to eat, and never drank any alcohol, I would be a lot further along.

But I want to be able to stick with this for life. If I deprive myself for a year, I think that I will fall off the wagon once again.

So, I guess it is best that I take my time. I would love to see results quicker, don't get me wrong. I have several drawers filled with "skinny" clothes that I can't wait to dig in to. But I have to keep reminding myself that this is more than just a diet. It's changing my whole outlook on the way I eat, the way I exercise, and the way I live!

See you tomrrow for my next weigh in - I hoping for good numbers. Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Definatley don't give up on the things you like to do. In fact, that is pretty much why I exercise: So that I can eat whatever the hell I want too. Plus, I think 5 pounds is amazing!

But definately don't deprive yourself of things. Then you will associate this lifestyle with torture and agony and you are right, you will crash and burn.