Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Scale Tales - Week Three

This week I lost 1.5 lbs for a total weight loss to date of 3.5 lbs. It's coming 0ff - very, very slowly, but it's coming off nonetheless! I have 49 more weeks to lose 26.5 lbs... I will keep chugging along.

I started exercising on Saturday. I have exercised Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so far. I'm hoping that I will start seeing results soon. I have been doing a combination of 30 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of weight training every day. My goal is 5 days a week. I plan to work out tomrrow and Friday morning, and take Saturday off.

My eating habits were much better this week. I concentrated on eating healthy even on the weekends. The weekends are my downfall, when I like to overeat and drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol makes me want to eat the fattiest, greasiest stuff I can find.

I haven't been good about posting. I decided instead of posting a bunch of times each week, I will just post once a week with my weight loss update and a summary of how the week went.

Until next week - cheers!

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